I am incredibly pleased to announce that, with the incredible help of my literary agent Jane Dystel of Dystel, Goderich & Bourret LLC, I have accepted an offer from Ten Speed Press (a division of Penguin Random House)! The Everyday Naturalist: How to Identify Animals, Plants, and Fungi Wherever You Go has been picked up for publication in Spring 2025.

Those familiar with my nature ID classes know that I emphasize skills and tools accessible to everyday people. Whether you’re birdwatching, foraging, or just enjoying the nature around you, my goal is to help you be more confident in figuring out what living beings you encounter wherever you go–and not just in the Pacific Northwest. The Everyday Naturalist will not only explain what traits you need to pay attention to like color, size, shape, location, etc. and how to use them to differentiate among similar species, but will also detail how and when to use tools like apps, field guides, and more. And my editor and I have already been discussing some great additions to the book that will make it even more user-friendly!

Watch this space for more updates, and if you don’t want to miss any news, just pop your email address into the field below and hit “subscribe”.