Learning to identify animals, plants, and fungi is just the start of getting to know nature! These classes offer deeper looks at how ecosystems work, how different sciences like geology and climatology affect ecology, and how all the living beings in an ecosystem are dependng upon each other and the land they live on. No formal scientific training necessary; these classes are for everyone.
Ecoregions of Oregon
Beauty can be found all around our state of Oregon in mountain, ocean, forest and desert landscapes! Learn about the eight distinct and unique ecoregions of our state including the geology, hydrology, climatology and biology that helped shape them all.
Click here for class dates and times.
Pacific Northwest Geology
What are you standing on? The Pacific Northwest is full of geological history of all sorts, from volcanoes to floods to ancient islands from far off in the ocean. Learn about some of the forces that created our region’s landforms, and resources to go exploring on your own!
Click here for class dates and times.
Forests, Fire Ecology, and Climate Change
The forests of the Northwest have adapted to periodic fires over thousands of years. We have seen more frequent, larger, and hotter wildfires in recent years. How did this happen, and what can we do about it?
I Like Lichens!
You’ve seen these unusual life forms growing on trees, rocks, and even buildings. Learn about lichen biology, the role of lichens in their ecosystems and incredible lichens found in the Pacific Northwest.
Click here for class dates and times.
The East Cascades Ecoregion
The dry side of Oregon offers incredible opportunities to learn about the animals, plants, and other beings that have adapted to live there. Learn how geology, hydrology, and climate come together to create a unique set of challenges and resources for living beings on the east side of the Cascade range!
Click here for class dates and times.
Introduction to Mycology
In this class, Master Naturalist Rebecca Lexa will share with you some of the interesting biological facts and ecological roles of fungi found in the Pacific Northwest. Students will learn why some times of the year are better for finding mushrooms than others (and why they aren’t always found in the same places each year!), and what sorts of relationships fungi have with other beings in their ecosystems. Throughout the hike, students will be encouraged to keep a lookout for any mushrooms they might find along the way!