Want to take a class from me? Here’s a schedule of my upcoming classes! Please note some classes are offered more than once per semester. All classes are single-session classes except for Nature Identification for the Everyday Naturalist, which is a two-session class. Each session lasts approximately 2-3 hours for online classes; times vary for in-person classes.

At this time the majority of classes are online, though there are some in-person offerings as well; you can read more about why here. Any in-person classes may be subject to being changed to online or hybrid according to local and state regulations, and guidelines set by the venue.

Anyone can register for ONLINE classes regardless of what college or other entity is hosting them; you do NOT need to live in the same area (or even the same state/country!) However, some classes may have region-specific information in addition to more generally-applicable information.

All times are Pacific Standard Time unless otherwise noted.

~Pick the ONLINE class you want at the time and date that work best for you, regardless of where it’s being hosted! Many great options to choose from, at some excellent venues!~

Nature Identification Classes

Nature Identification for the Everyday Naturalist (Two Day Class)

Did you ever want to be able to identify the animals, plants and fungi around you? You don’t need a biology degree! Learn how anyone can explore nature in more depth using books, the internet, and everyday observations.

Class will return in spring 2025 – check back soon!

Foraging for Beginners (One Day Class)

Learn skills and tools to identify edible and poisonous plants and fungi, plus safety, ethics, and other related topics. Beginner-friendly species to look for are included, too. Please note this class has some crossover material with the mushroom foraging class, and species examples may be tailored to the region where the class is being hosted.

Monday, January 27, 6pm – 8:30pm, Mt. Hood Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Monday, February 10, 6pm – 8:30pm, Portland Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Mushroom Hunting For Beginners (One Day Class)

Mushroom foraging is a popular pursuit in the Northwest! More than just a slideshow of edible mushrooms, it emphasizes skills and tools needed for accurate identification of mushrooms to determine edibility. Please note this class has some crossover material with the general foraging class, and species examples may be tailored to the region where the class is being hosted.

Wednesday, January 22, 6pm – 8pm, Portland Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Monday, March 10, 6pm – 8pm, Portland Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Monday, March 17, 6pm – 8pm, Mt. Hood Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Monday, March 24, 6pm – 8pm, Central Oregon Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Wednesday, April 30, 6pm – 8pm, Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation, ONLINE – Register here

Plant Identification for Non-Botanists

No botany degree? No problem! Join Master Naturalist Rebecca Lexa as she shares beginner-friendly tools and skills for identifying plants wherever you may be. This is a casual identification class so technical terms will be at a minimum, and you’ll also learn some resources for further exploration.

Sunday, May 25, 10am – 3pm, Wildcraft Studio School, IN PERSON – Register here

Birdwatching For Beginners (One Day Class)

Which bird is which? This class gives you the skills and tools to know what to pay attention to when you see a new bird and how to figure out what species it is. We’ll also cover bird feeders, great places to go birdwatching, and there will be pictures of common species throughout the class. Whether you’re a backyard bird watcher, or are eager to go out into the wilderness to check species off your life list, this is a great class to get you started. (Combines the Backyard Birdwatching and Bird Identification classes below.)

Wednesday, February 12, 6:00pm – 8:30pm, Central Oregon Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Tuesday, February 25, 6:00pm – 8:30pm, Portland Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Backyard Birdwatching (One Day Class)

If you’re just getting started with birdwatching, look no further! In this class you’ll learn what sort of equipment might be helpful, safe and ethical bird feeding, identification tools and some common backyard birds to look for, and other useful tips and resources for birdwatching both in your yard and beyond. (Please note species examples are tailored to the college/venue that is offering the class.)

Wednesday, March 5, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Mt. Hood Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Bird Identification for Beginners (One Day Class)

If you’ve got your basic birdwatching skills down and you want to get better at identifying birds in your area, this class is for you! We’ll go into detail about what traits of a bird to pay attention to and why, tools and resources for helping you identify birds, some common species in our area, and more. (Please note species examples are tailored to the college/venue that is offering the class.)

Monday, February 3, 6pm – 8:30pm, Mt. Hood Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Scappoose Birdwatching Excursion (One Day Class)

Join Master Naturalist Rebecca Lexa on a two-hour walk along the Crown-Zellerbach Trail in Scappoose, OR! We’ll keep our eyes open for songbirds, raptors, and other wild birds in the forests and open areas. Bring binoculars and water, and wear good walking shoes for this paved path.

Class will return in spring 2025 – check back soon!

Nature Identification Field Day (One Day Class)

Note: This class is held via Portland Community College. You must have taken at least one of my relevant classes (Nature Identification, Birdwatching, Foraging, Mushrooms) through PCC in order to take it.

Have you taken our birdwatching, PNW foraging, or mushroom identification ONLINE classes during this or previous semesters? This is a chance for you to get some field experience trying out your identification tools and skills with instructor Rebecca Lexa.

Class will return in spring 2025 – check back soon!

Natural History Classes

Introduction to Mycology (One Day Class)

In this class, Master Naturalist Rebecca Lexa will share with you some of the interesting biological facts and ecological roles of fungi found in the Pacific Northwest. Students will learn why some times of the year are better for finding mushrooms than others (and why they aren’t always found in the same places each year!), and what sorts of relationships fungi have with other beings in their ecosystems. Throughout the hike, students will be encouraged to keep a lookout for any mushrooms they might find along the way!

Sunday, June 22, 10:00am – 3:00pm, Wildcraft Studio School, IN PERSON – Register here

I Like Lichens (One Day Class)

You’ve seen these unusual life forms growing on trees, rocks, and even buildings. Learn about lichen biology, the role of lichens in their ecosystems and incredible lichens found in the Pacific Northwest.

Wednesday, January 29, 6:00pm – 7:30pm, Portland Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Sunday, May 18, 11am – 2pm, Wildcraft Studio School, ONLINE – Register here

Pacific Northwest Geology (One Day Class)

What are you standing on? The Pacific Northwest is full of geological history of all sorts, from volcanoes to floods to ancient islands from far off in the ocean. Learn about some of the forces that created our region’s landforms, and resources to go exploring on your own! (Has some material overlap with the Ecoregions of Oregon class.)

Thursday, March 20, 6:00pm – 7:30pm, Central Oregon Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Ecoregions of Oregon (One Day Class)

Beauty can be found all around our state of Oregon in mountain, ocean, forest and desert landscapes! Learn about the eight distinct and unique ecoregions of our state including the geology, hydrology, climatology and biology that helped shape them all. (Has some material overlap with the PNW Geology class.)

Monday, March 3, 6:00pm – 8:30pm, Portland Community College, ONLINE – Register here

The East Cascades Ecoregion (One Day Class)

The dry side of Oregon offers incredible opportunities to learn about the animals, plants, and other beings that have adapted to live there. Learn how geology, hydrology, and climate come together to create a unique set of challenges and resources for living beings on the east side of the Cascade range!

Class will return in 2025 – check back soon!

Forests, Fire Ecology, and Climate Change (One Day Class)

The forests of the Northwest have adapted to periodic fires over thousands of years. We have seen more frequent, larger, and hotter wildfires in recent years. How did this happen, and what can we do about it?

Tuesday, March 11, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Portland Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Other Classes

Ecopsychology For Everyone (One Day Class)

Nature is good for you, but did you ever wonder why? In this class you’ll get to explore how the many ways we connect with nature help improve our mental health, how nature is incorporated into therapy, and how you can apply these principles to your everyday life.

Wednesday, February 26, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Portland Community College, ONLINE – Register here

Ecopsychology Skills for Climate Resilience (One Day Class)

Climate change has a lot of people stressed and anxious! In this one-day class you’ll learn nature-based practices to help with stress reduction and mental well-being. These are practices you can use anywhere, any time. Some practices may incorporate making two-dimensional art, so please have art supplies of your choice available during class (even a pen and paper will work!)

Class will return in spring 2025 – check back soon!

Raising Chickens For Beginners (One Day Class)

Do you want chickens in your backyard but aren’t sure where to get started? We’ll talk about whether to start with brand new chicks or older birds, what your new flock will need, common maladies and how to treat them, and more! PLEASE NOTE: The last, OPTIONAL section of this class includes information about humanely culling chickens, whether for euthanasia or meat. 

Class will return in 2025 – check back soon!

Other Classes